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Nothing really happens in this city: The time I woke up the time I wrote it down (wip)

For thirty consecutive days, a postcard was filled in each day with
the time
I woke up
I wrote that down on a card
I first left my house
I put the card in a postbox 

and when the card is delivered, continued with
the time

I encountered the card again
that card was stored in a container

The card set of thirty cards was stored in a container in the order they were delivered, along with a few other materials intended for use by the participants of the collective performance.

The container was delivered to one participant and then to another. They were provided with a letter containing step-by-step instructions to produce their own replica of the postcard (please see the letter below) and were instructed to replace one of the cards from the card set with the card they filled out.

So far, two people have volunteered to take part of the performance, resulting in the replacement of two cards from the edition of thirty cards in the card set. 9 March 2024. Three cards in total were replaced on 17 March 2024. Four cards in totatl were replaced by 25 April 2024.

This act is to be continued until I cannot physically perform the action of distributing the container.